Copyright ChevelleCD - All Rights Reserved

What's New

November 2024
1953-1972 Chevrolet Production Program

January 2024
Windows 11 users - read this

July 2021
Sadly due to a healthy increase in PayPal fees and USPS mailing costs I must adjust my pricing accordingly. Credit card orders will NOT be affected by the PayPal fees but mailing costs will so there will be a different pricing when purchasing by PayPal vs. credit card.

February 2021
2021 Classic Chevelle Calendar featuring 1971 Chevelles *** sold out ***
1968 Chevelle Reference CD added
Single year Shop Manuals & 1964-1972 Parts Catalog added

September 2020
Chevelle Collector Chip SS396/SS454 - 1.5-inch 'poker chip' ceramic SS396 on one side, SS454 on the other

June 2020
Chevelle Collector Coin #1 SS396/SS454 - 2-inch metal SS396 on one side, SS454 on the other, matching hat/lapel pin, and static cling window stickers.

April 2019
Contracted to do a fifth book. This time it will be dedicated to the 1969 Chevelle SS396. Now available.

March 2019
Restoration and Authenticity Guide 1970-1972

January 2019
The U.S.P.S. has just had a very large increase in mailing costs, especially outside the United States. I can absorb the increase in costs to U.S. customers but must pass along the increase to my Canadian friends and others outside the United States.

October 2018
2019 Classic Chevelle Calendars

March 2018
Definitive Chevelle SS Guide book

January 2017
1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS book

August 2016
Chevelle Data and ID Guide book

June 19, 2015
1964-1972 Shop Manuals and Parts Catalog for 1964-1972 Chevelles

December 10, 2014
1970 Chevelle SS396/SS454 Build Sheet Decoder for Atlanta, Baltimore, & Kansas City Chevelles

January 28, 2013
The U.S.P.S. has just had a very large increase in mailing costs, especially outside the United States. I can absorb the increase in costs to U.S. customers but must pass along the increase to my Canadian friends and others outside the United States.

December 15, 2012
All reference and AIM CDs may only include the Windows-based .EXE file or the Windows/MAC .ZIP file depending on space available on a CDROM.

August 4, 2011
The 1966, 1967, and combination 1966/1967 Chevelle Reference CDs have a new look! Check it and see. All reference CDs shipped after today will be in the new format, I hope you like it. All future updates to the 1966/1967 combination reference CD will be in the new format as well.

November 1, 2010
The individual 1967 & 1967 Chevelle Reference CDs will no longer be supported with free updates and will no longer be offered for sale once current inventory is depleted.  The Combination 1966/1967 Chevelle Reference CD will be the lone reference CD and will continue to include both the 1966 and 1967 model years.  The good news is the Combination 1966/1967 Chevelle Reference CD price will be lowered to that of the current individual year CDs.

October 25, 2010
The final single year series update to what is new for the October, 2010 release on the 1966 Chevelle Reference CD and the 1967 Chevelle Reference CD, select the appropriate link. Update emails will be sent out in a couple of days to registered buyers with instructions on how to download the free updates or purchase a replacement CD.  This is the last update being done to the individual year Reference CDs.  Both single year CDs are now combined into one combination 1966 & 1967 model years with no increase in price.

April 7, 2010
ChevelleCD has moved from its .com domain to .net.  Please update any bookmarks to this site you may have.

March 20, 2009
If you use COMCAST as your email provider I'm sure you are aware they will not accept incoming email without submitting a BLOCKED PROVIDER REQUEST FORM. I do not have the time to fill out this request for every sale or question I get from a COMCAST subscriber nor will I give COMCAST my personal information. So I'll leave it up to you, the COMCAST subscriber, to unblock email from the domain name of CHEVELLECD.NET so you can receive a confirmation reply. A simple solution would be to subscribe to a free email account at someplace like Google Mail and use that in your PayPal account. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

November 15, 2007
Fall 2007 updates to both the 1966 and 1967 Chevelle Reference CDs plus the twin year CD. Check Update Status below.

April 8, 2007
Due to numerous requests, both 1966 and 1967 model years are now available on a single CD. Data are identical to single year 1966 and 1967 Reference CDs, now packaged on one media. Click here for ordering information on any CD.

© ChevelleCD

About twice a year free updates to both the 1966 and 1967 Reference CDs and the combination CD are offered to registered users. An email is sent to all registered users with this offer with instructions on how to do the updates. If your email has changed since you purchased your copy, please update it with me. Check here often for information about those updates as they are available for a limited time only once announced. If you purchased your CD via USPS money order, etc. and the payment was mailed to me, please drop me a note with your email address so we can keep you up to date.

Update Status

Be sure to keep your email address up to date so you'll be notified exactly when updates are available. If you purchased your CD via USPS money order, etc. and the payment was mailed to me, please drop me a note with your email address so we can keep you up to date.

The updated versions are also supplied as zipped (.ZIP) files as some buyers have operating systems other than Windows and have problems with self-extracting .EXE files. Naturally you can choose any folder name you wish to unzip the files to. Within the root of the folder the files are extracted to is a file named index.htm, or maybe just index depending on how your have your Windows Explorer configured to display files. This file is the starting point for viewing the CDs contents in your favorite Internet browser, be it Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or any browser you favor.

If you double-click the index.htm (or index) file it should open your browser if the extension .htm is associated properly. From here you may want to set this page as one of your Favorites or Bookmarks so you can easily find it with your browser in the future.

While you can view all of the .jpg photo and .htm browser files individually with Windows Explorer you miss the continuity of the browser-based navigation.

Current 1966 Reference CD update file.

Current 1967 Reference CD update file.